Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ahhhhh. We match

Drew came home from school and I realized we were all wearing brown. Amazingly I had a friend over to take a picture and now we kind of have a family picture!! Some day I'll have a real one, where maybe I'll at least brush my teeth in preparation for.
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K Bailey said...

Woo-hoo, you're back!! I can show you how to make it private if you haven't done it yet. I love that your blog is called, "Brown Bloggy," and that picture of you guys is all brown! How perfect and cute cute.

Laura said...

Lauren, Its so good to hear from you! I'm so excited to catch up. Your little boy is so cute. I think he looks a lot like your brothers. Do you guys own a house in Oklahoma? How much longer do you have there? We've been in Atlanta for two years, but we lived in Ohio just for the summer for Craig to do an internship. Anyway, if you want to email me maybe we can catch up better. My address is Does Trina have a blog?
Love, Laura