My lovely Cooper refuses to eat anything but fish crackers. I didnt buy the fish crackers, his grama Brown has a few boxes of them and until they are gone, that will be be what he eats
Lyle gets married in 2 weeks!
Grama's and Grampa and Valentina -note the Reef sandals Grama is wearing. She has a gazillion pairs and wears them every where..including church, witch is a bad example to my husband who wishes he lived in Africa or something all so he could wear flip flops to church. Now he wears hiking boot/shoes. I cant for the life of me get him to wear "normal" shoes to church. I had a feeling this was going to be a problem before we got married, so I guess I should sltop complaining about it.
I am so bummed I didn't go to my parents ward yesterday either. Georgia's dress looks beautiful! What a swee idea to make it out of left over fabric from your wedding dress. To post more than 4 pics at a time; you download the first 4 then when it goes back for you to type captions you click the picture icon again and you can keep doing that until you post all your pics i believe.
Georgia's dress is so pretty. It is much easier to go to AZ where all the family is. I'm glad you got to go with Drew's crazy summer school.
We are glad you got to come to AZ for the baby blessing, and to VISIT! We LOVE having you guys here! Spencer really can relate to Cooperkid! Georgia is such a doll!
How wonderful that you were able to bless that little beauty in the Pioneer Ward!
Congrats to Lyle!!! What an exciting time for you family! You'll have to post a pic of him with his fiance when you get a sec. I'd love to see her!
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