Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Just so you know...
I am going crazy with all the picture posting because I am planning to make one of those blog books. My mom asked why I posted the piocture of her and her sibs, and and it kind of made me feel stupid, so that is why. I never was a scrapbooker (ok, was but would always make the pictures look worse than before I tried to get creative with them..) so in the future this is why I am posting SO many pictures MOM and anyone else who thinks I'm picture posting happy.


K Bailey said...

I totally understand-that's what I'm doing too! I figure people can just not look at my blog if they're bugged. Right? :)

jakeanddeana said...

YOu are so funny -- I think any and everyone who blogs plans to have some sort of book, or journal with the pics and info that they put on their blogs -- sometimes our good moms ask questions that only a mom would ask -- your awesome, and it is fun to see the pics no matter who is in the pic! Tell your mom Cooper gets excited to see her picture when he looks at the blog!

Trina said...

Tell your mom that she is so cute and you just wanted everyone to know just how cute she is! Your awesome. Where are you now, maybe we could still family quad date or whatever.

Matt and Dionne said...

You have such a cute blog and your mom is as pretty as ever! I actually prefer when people put lots of pics on their blogs! I love looking at them all even if I don't know anybody in the pic.

By the way, if you were wondering how to get rid of all the gaps/spacing in between your pics, just go to postings, edit posts, click edit on the post you want to fix and then just either highlight the empty space and hit delete or put the curser at the bottom of the space and hit backspace until you get rid of it.

Paola said...

It's fine. I think it's funner to look at the pictures more than the text anyways...not always, but if I'm in a hurry looking at pictures is fun. Speaking of pictures, you look freaking awesome! I've been dying to ask you, how did the Baby Transition go? Did she sleep? Was it okay? I hope so!
Love ya!
P.S. No. Not a big fan of Bush. And despite his position on Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, I actually like Obama, but am having a hard time deciding on voting for him based on those 2 big issues. Don't be a hater... :)